In celebration of Pollinator Week, Wild Ones Central North Carolina is delighted to invite you to participate in an amazing outdoor event, On the Wings of Life – Celebrating Pollinators.
This free, fun, family friendly event aims at highlighting the essential role pollinators play in the web of life, and the important role we can play in protecting and preserving them. This celebration will take place at the beautiful Bailey Park downtown Winston-Salem on June 22, 2024, from noon-6pm.
Pollinators are critical components of the web of life. A significant amount of food we eat depends on pollination. Bees are perhaps the most well know pollinators. However, bats, birds, butterflies, moths, and wasps are also important pollinators. Pollinators depend on native plants for food and to reproduce. Pollinators are under threat due to habit loss, indiscriminate use of insecticides, pesticides, and climate change. Many of the factors that threaten pollinators’ survival are also harmful to humans. Understanding the connection between the health of pollinators and our health is important to understand life on planet earth. It is not an understatement to say that pollinators are the wings of life.
This family-friendly event will include live music, food, face paintings, balloons, and displays from various organizations aimed at highlighting the important role pollinators play in our lives and educating the public about activities homeowners can do to help the health of pollinators and their own.
Participating organizations include: Bashavia Gardens, Bee City USA – Winston-Salem, Carolina Butterfly Society, Starry Skies South regional chapter of DarkSky International, NC Sierra Club Foothills Group, Spriggly’s Beescaping, Wild Ones CNC, Wake Forest University Harvest Table Culinary, and others.
Bailey Park is located at 445 Patterson Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27101.
For more information, please contact Siham Muntasser: [email protected].